The New ALIUS Podcast is Now Online…

The New ALIUS Podcast is Now Online…

The New Normal in Restaurants & More – Podcast Episode 1

We have wanted to create a podcast highlighting every facet that we publish at Alius Publishing and now we finally have one. We will be publishing many topics and different episodes to join the ranks of many personal talks related to life, books, & many great reasons to get outside in photography.

Episode Description

In this episode of “The Entity Files Podcast” with Kevin & Francine from “The Entity Phylum” book we hear a perspective of what signs of “the new normal” are like after the first weekend in the state of Louisiana after COVID-19. What is the new normal? What was normal before COVID? Click play & hear what two think about many matters concerning restaurant dining and many observations concerning this time. Follow the Alius Podcast channel for more episodes coming soon on current events & many topics coming soon.

This episode is sponsored by Anchor – Click Here to View

10 Trees That Can Be Used For Medicinal Purposes

10 Trees That Can Be Used For Medicinal Purposes

10 Trees That Can Be Used For Medicinal Purposes

As we are starting to get into weeks of quarantine many may not even know they have trees that may be able to help them right in their own back yard. Enjoy learning below about 10 trees that can help you for various ailments. Feel free to search the internet as well for products you can find that will be able to help to save you quite a bit of time.

Many trees that commonly grow in North America and parts of Europe possess medicinal benefits. In the fall and winter months most of the medicinal trees can offer roots, twigs and bark for the healing of a multitude of standard ailments. To ensure the longevity of the tree, never cut bark from the trunk of a living tree. It is also advisable to avoid ring barking or girdling the medicinal tree. The compete removal of an entire strip of bark from around the circumference of a trunk or branch can result in damage and ultimately the death, of wood tissues.

10 of the more popular medicinal trees:

  1. Alder – Astringent used as a wound wash and healing agent on deep wounds. Leaf and bark teas are used to treat tonsillitis, fever, as a douche, and for hemorrhoids.
  2. Apple – Tree bark is used to treat fevers and diarrhea. Stewed apples can be used as a laxative. Baked apples are great as a warm poultice for fevers and sore throat. Apple cider helps destroy intestinal flora and decrease bacteria flowing to the bowels.
  3. Ash – Twig tips and leaves turned into a tea help reduce rheumatism, jaundice and gout.
  4. Beech – Bark tea from this tree will help treat lung problems and was once used in tuberculosis treatments. It is also used to help cleanse the blood. Beech tea is not recommended for pregnant women. Leaf tea is used in poultices to treat frostbite and burns.
  5. Birch – Leaf tea helps heal sores in the mouth and helps heal bladder and kidney problems, and gout. Use bark in a bath to aid psoriasis, skin rashes and eczema. Birch sap contains betulinic acid, which is used to help reduce tumors and fight cancer.
  6. Cedar – Bark tea is used to treat fevers, rheumatism, the flu and chest colds.
  7. Elder – Bark tea is used to treat headaches, for congestion, and to lower fever by inducing perspiration.
  8. Elm – Bark salve and poultices are used to treat gunshot wounds, chilblain, and on the abdomen to draw out fever. Bark tea is very high in calcium and helps increase the healing of injured bones, heal sore throats, soothe urinary and bowel issues, and to thwart diarrhea.
  9. Hawthorne – Leaf tea is brewed as a “cardiac tonic” but extended use is known to cause a drop in blood pressure. It is recommended to use it for just two weeks and then take a week off before starting the treatment again.
  10. Maple – A leaf wound wash or poultice is used to relieve sore eyes and soreness of the breasts for nursing mothers and pregnant women. Bark tea is used to treat kidney infections, the common cold and bronchitis.

Bark as Medicine

The medicinal benefits from the bark are found in the greenish yellow or green or cambium layer just beneath the outer portion of the bark. Bark can be dried and saved for the future or put to immediate use.

To dry the bark properly without damaging or over-drying the cambium layer, place the bark in a shaded area and do not overlap the pieces. To prepare the bark for use, simmer about two teaspoons of the matter with one cup of water for about 20 minutes in a non-aluminum pot – with the lid on. Strain the water off, allow to cool, then pour in a cup and drink.

One dose is approximately one-quarter of a cup. The bark medicine is presumed safe to drink up to four times a day for adults around 150 pounds; consume with a meal. Children and 75 pounds and smaller adults should reduce the bark tea ingested by half. Younger children who weigh less than 40 pounds should decrease the dosage by half yet again. The bark tea can be stored in a firmly sealed mason or other glass jar for up to a week.

10 Herbs That Kill Viruses & Clear Mucus From Your Lungs

10 Herbs That Kill Viruses & Clear Mucus From Your Lungs

10 Herbs That Kill Viruses & Clear Mucus From Your Lungs

With many constantly talking about respiratory infections and also viral infections it may be of interest to take a look at some herbs that can be of assistance with viral issues as well as clearing mucus and coughs. We have also added a frequency created by Alius Publishing with the help of the studies of Royal Rife that may help in the deterioration of thoughts as well as the lingering of issues possibly caused by today’s viral infections. The frequency created was a 18 part protocol frequency with 3 minute intervals for Coronavirus SARS. We figured it would not hurt by creating it for the masses to use at this time on YouTube. We figured if it were available it could possibly be used in quarantine if needed by anyone in a healing meditation. We will add the two videos below under the list of herbs.

  1. White Horebound – (not black horebound) used for colds and bronchitis encourages easy removal from mucus from the lungs
  2. Sage – Sore throat soother and gum infections
  3. Andrographis – reduces symptoms of infection and feverish conditions
  4. Thyme – potent antimicrobial – good for urinary tract infections and also can be used to reduce coughing
  5. Garlic – enhances the fight against viruses
  6. Marshmallow Plant – treats coughs and inflamed airways
  7. Peppermint – Makes breathing more easy & powerful decongestant
  8. Licorice Root – treats coughs,
  9. Oregano – useful remedy for removing phlegm
  10. Eucalyptus – Helps with Upper respiratory chest infections

*Feel free to use this top 10 list as a curiosity and look one up for a much more intense study on each…learning about them has it’s benefits to many.

Below are a couple of meditative Rife Frequencies created by Alius Publishing for the span of 72 hours then put into video format for the overall use online. They are free to use as long as they are on the Alius Publishing YouTube channel. Feel free to subscribe here

– We will continue to create a frequency every two weeks and will be creating many for self meditation for the ease of sleep as well as the possible help for back pain and migraine headaches very soon. We hope you enjoy piano. 🙂

*This video is not intended for curing the body but can aid in time in the ability to re-educate the body through the central nervous system.

*This second video was originally intended to be shorter so please be advised that only 15 minutes are needed. The sounds you hear are all 18 frequencies above in a simultaneous soundwave and I added one of my earlier Tube of Light Meditations on top to ease the heaviness of the sound waves. I do believe used as a sine wave pattern you will be able to let run continuously in your home while leaving and it can aid it the ability to clear the room of negative patterns as well.

I am adding the video below to show many who have never seen the abilities that frequencies and the stresses that “some” frequency patterns can do to living things visible and some non-visble to the human eye. (It is not a video that I created – just an example as a visual) The video has no sound but some frequencies do not but have intense properties to many living things. Once again we appreciate your curiosity here and Thank You for visiting.

Thank You to Royal Rife and Nikola Tesla for so much of your research. ~ Alius Publishing.

Heal Coronavirus SARS – 18 Part Frequency Protocol for Quarantine of COVID-19 – from GAMUT Point

Heal Coronavirus SARS – 18 Part Frequency Protocol for Quarantine of COVID-19 – from GAMUT Point

Heal Coronavirus SARS – 18 Part Frequency Protocol for Quarantine of COVID-19 – from GAMUT Point

As the spread of Coronavirus spreads through many Countries & cities many will be called to do many things. Some will seem small but the body needs something different to distance itself from disease and the only way I learned to do this is to understand frequency. Here is a 18 part frequency pattern in various hertz that was completed over 3 days and tracked over music to help with the tones throughout the pattern for over 54 minutes straight. The frequencies are from years of research & also from a pattern from the last strand of Coronavirus SARS on file with computer software from the last outbreak. None of this research would be possible without the many years of research from Rife. If it helps someone it was worth it. Feel free to follow the instructions in the link and click play in any home, office, or room. “If frequency created it then frequency can destroy it.” ~ Nikola Tesla.

18 Part Protocol Frequency Meditation for Coronavirus SARS created by GAMUT Point Copyright 2020.

Full 18 Part Protocol for Breaking Coronavirus SARS

– Listen in room or with headphones for the full amount of video.
– Frequencies are in full capacity at 30% playback for less irritability
– Frequencies are 3 minute intervals and will change as new protocols are started.
– This video is also equipped with various sounds of rain and thunderstorms recorded by GAMUT Point.

– Enjoy this Frequency sound meditation if needed for no charge from Alius Publishing.

Meditation sharpens your mental abilities, but by learning to produce more gamma brain waves, you will use your brain in its greatest capacity. The frequency protocol provided is spread out to ensure a range of sound frequencies that allow for personal use for changing neuro pathways. It is also for use of the overall frequency online. Frequencies affect our daily lives and this will continue the more that we use technology without the understanding of it’s emissions to human life.

A Bit Stronger Coronavirus Tube of Light Meditation with all 18 Frequencies Simultaneously as One.

*Do Not operate machinery or drive a vehicle while listening to this tube of light meditation because of it’s added Delta Wave Frequencies.

Very Soon We Will Be Publishing Our First Book…”The Entity Phylum.”

Very Soon We Will Be Publishing Our First Book…”The Entity Phylum.”

After Many Years of Personal Research for Author Plateeney on many various different topics. Topics that span from military operations, to remote viewing, to deep underground military bases, the physics and frequencies of teleportation, mystery school wisdom, the studies of Enochian, many stories from ufology & abduction, the research behind various alien species and races, DNA & hybridization, Stargate technologies, Akasha, demonology, Greek mythology as well as various religious teachings of today, Egyptian culture, crystal energies, brainwave frequencies, to countless dimension research… the list goes on and on. From so many topics comes the amazing story of The Entity Phylum. A book about the existence of various entities that are actually parasitic in nature to humanity. This first book will describe 7 of these entities in full detail and we are hoping that it becomes a field journal for many who have questions of the unexplained. Look for this book soon to be 1 of many coming soon from Alius Publishing.

Feel free to follow the book’s website by clicking here

Follow The Entity Phylum on Social Media by clicking here and be informed on it’s release.

New Meditation YouTube Channel With Extras…

New Meditation YouTube Channel With Extras…

The world of meditation is a growing market on YouTube today. Alius Publishing wants to be a part of this growing world and create great brain wave meditation music to help many with various methods used by many professionals. Delta, Beta, Gamma, Theta, & Alpha tones will be created weekly and uploaded to help many who are in search of balancing their daily lives. We will continue to publish the great meanings behind the published works also. Feel free to click and subscribe to this channel by clicking here.