Heal Coronavirus SARS – 18 Part Frequency Protocol for Quarantine of COVID-19 – from GAMUT Point

As the spread of Coronavirus spreads through many Countries & cities many will be called to do many things. Some will seem small but the body needs something different to distance itself from disease and the only way I learned to do this is to understand frequency. Here is a 18 part frequency pattern in various hertz that was completed over 3 days and tracked over music to help with the tones throughout the pattern for over 54 minutes straight. The frequencies are from years of research & also from a pattern from the last strand of Coronavirus SARS on file with computer software from the last outbreak. None of this research would be possible without the many years of research from Rife. If it helps someone it was worth it. Feel free to follow the instructions in the link and click play in any home, office, or room. “If frequency created it then frequency can destroy it.” ~ Nikola Tesla.

18 Part Protocol Frequency Meditation for Coronavirus SARS created by GAMUT Point Copyright 2020.

Full 18 Part Protocol for Breaking Coronavirus SARS

– Listen in room or with headphones for the full amount of video.
– Frequencies are in full capacity at 30% playback for less irritability
– Frequencies are 3 minute intervals and will change as new protocols are started.
– This video is also equipped with various sounds of rain and thunderstorms recorded by GAMUT Point.

– Enjoy this Frequency sound meditation if needed for no charge from Alius Publishing.

Meditation sharpens your mental abilities, but by learning to produce more gamma brain waves, you will use your brain in its greatest capacity. The frequency protocol provided is spread out to ensure a range of sound frequencies that allow for personal use for changing neuro pathways. It is also for use of the overall frequency online. Frequencies affect our daily lives and this will continue the more that we use technology without the understanding of it’s emissions to human life.

A Bit Stronger Coronavirus Tube of Light Meditation with all 18 Frequencies Simultaneously as One.

*Do Not operate machinery or drive a vehicle while listening to this tube of light meditation because of it’s added Delta Wave Frequencies.